

A Tourist Shuttle Bus service provide this easy, quick, and affordable access to major tourist
destinations and Oreum in the Jungsangan region

Jeoji Oreum

A place to experience the forest of life

The finishing point of Jeju Olle Trail Route 13, one of the most accessible routes in the Olle Trail, Jeoji Oreum is renowned for its beautiful forests, which have won the “Forest of Life Award” in 2005 and the “8 Beautiful Forests of Korea Grand Award (Life Award)” in 2007.
A brisk walk of 45 min takes one to the peak, with a breathtaking view of the Sanbang Mountain, Songak Mountain, Geumak Oreum, and the Biyangdo and Gapado Islands of the Pacific Ocean.

820번 운행노선 타이틀
820번 운행노선표 신화역사공원 제주항공우주박물관 제주항공우주호텔 제주오설록티뮤지엄 제주유리의성 환상숲곶자왈공원 생각하는정원 방림원 제주현대미술관, 김창열도림미술관, 저지문화예술인마을 저지오름 청수리사거리 산양곶자왈 노리매 소인테마파크 세계자동차박물관 헬로키티아일랜드

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